Hybrid Gaming Rig

Hybrid Gaming Rig

Gaming, video editing, photoshop, and music production all require a powerful CPU, fast storage, a powerful Graphics card and a good amount of RAM. We have combined some of the best budget components to build an affordable but power gaming rig/workstation. Fitted out with a Quad-Core Intel i7-3770k (Overclockable), 16GB of DDR3 memory, a 256GB SSD and an RX580 8GB Graphics Card. When gaming, the 8GB of video memory in the Hybrid Rig™ you can easily crunch through Fortnite, PUB G, Rainbow Six Siege, Battlefield V, Call of Duty Warzone and easily run some of our in-house favorites such as CS:GO and DOTA 2. This is a no-compromise gaming rig or workstation at an affordable price.

Also, consider the Hybrid Rig™ is made from a combination of new and used parts - quality refurbished parts such as the motherboard, CPU, and case mixed with a brand new Graphics card, simultaneously achieving our mission of reducing electronic waste, without compromising on performance.

18th May 2020 Hamish Matthews

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